Regardless of how long you have been planning for retirement, there are several factors you may want to consider to avoid unexpected…
Insights into Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate and Real Estate Law in NJ
Regardless of how long you have been planning for retirement, there are several factors you may want to consider to avoid unexpected…
Surprisingly, nearly half of Americans aged 55 and older have no retirement savings in an individual retirement account (IRA) or 401(k)…
Upon a first glance, the topic of estate planning may seem like a subject specific to the very wealthy. However, in the eyes of the law,…
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is common among veterans of all ages. Most of the time, the stories are referring…
Loneliness among seniors is not uncommon within Nursing homes. During the pandemic, technology use among seniors has helped create a new…
Aging alone brings a unique set of challenges for seniors with no children and no younger (or healthier) family members to assist them as…
When presented with the possibility of dementia, people have a tendency to opt for care in a nursing home. This makes sense when people…
People are divorcing later in life at greater rates and it’s important to understand the unique ways in which gray divorce affects the…
Say your spouse is living in a nursing home because of advanced Parkinson’s. Your spouse is currently receiving Medicaid benefits to pay…
There are over 400 types of dementia. While that number is staggering, the most common cause of dementia is due to Alzheimer’s disease,…
Somewhere in the world, every three seconds, someone is being diagnosed with dementia. Dementia is a catchall phrase that refers to many…
The gift tax is a tax on the transfer of assets, cash or property, to another without receiving something of equal value. The asset has…